Podenco is Spanish for “hound”. Podencos are primitive sighthounds and come in a variety of types and sizes. Each variety is named after their region of origin, and each type is bred to hunt a different prey over a different terrain: Andaluz, Canario, Ibicenco, Maneto, Orito, Xarnego Valencianio and Campañero.
Podencos are used for hunting in rural areas of Spain and, like the Galgo Español, are more often than not kept in squalid conditions. These working dogs are also not protected under Spanish law. Like the Galgo, Podencos are overbred, overworked and routinely inhumanely treated. When no longer of value to a hunter or no longer needed, the Podenco is considered disposable, resulting in tens of thousands of them either being abandoned or killed, year upon year.

CHARACTERISTICS – Podencos are clever, energetic, alert, curious and loving. They are incredible athletes, capable of endurance running and can also be expert jumpers. They are well-suited for dog sports and make wonderful partners for jogging and hiking.

COAT – Podencos can be smooth or rough coated (long or short) and most are red, or red and white but can also be black or brown. They require very little grooming. Podencos have distinctive large, upright ears and most have a pink nose and amber coloured eyes.

SIZE – Podencos have a wide range in height: from 8” to 29” and weigh between 10lbs and 70lbs.
LIFESPAN – Typically 12-14 years.
As with the Galgo Español, there are many Spanish Rescue organizations that are focused on saving and protecting Podencos. They save abandoned Podencos living rough on the street and also save them from perreras (kill stations).