Message from the President

Thank you for visiting the Greyhound, Galgo, Podenco of Atlantic Canada (GGPAC) website. We rescue Podencos and Galgos from Spain and bring them to Canada so they can live their best lives. Let me share information about these amazing dogs, the Podencos and Galgos of Spain.
These little-known and often misunderstood breeds are two of the oldest purebred dogs in the world, tracing their lineage back to the ancient Pharaoh Hounds of Egypt. These dogs are featured in ancient hieroglyphics and were highly valued by the Egyptians for their remarkable speed, endurance, agility, and exceptional sense of smell. These qualities make them particularly well-suited for hunting, and that’s why Galgos and Podencos are bred today.
Sadly, in Spain, an estimated 100,000 Podencos and Galgos are abandoned or cruelly executed when hunting season ends. This tragic situation arises because getting rid of older dogs and acquiring new ones for the next hunting season is often considered cheaper. Unbelievably, these dogs are generally under the age of two years.
Most of their working lives are spent on short chains, without shelter. Or, they are crammed into dark sheds, packed so tightly together that they cannot move, and forced to lie in urine and feces. They are starved because it is cheaper, and the hunter believes that hungry dogs make better hunters.
What is even more amazing about these resilient dogs is their incredible trust and loyalty, which allows them to be rehabilitated and rehomed despite the unimaginable abuse they have endured. They are smart, eager to learn, keen to please, sensitive, loveable, playful, and affectionate. These beautiful dogs can make fantastic pets.
Even though the animal cruelty laws were recently amended in Spain, these dogs are specifically exempted from any protections. Galgos and Podencos are not considered pets by their hunting owners; they are viewed merely as tools for hunting.

GGPAC works with charities in Spain that are committed to rescuing and re-homing Podencos and Galgos. If you are considering getting a puppy or bringing a dog into your life, why not adopt a Podenco or a Galgo? You would welcome a fully vaccinated, neutered, and vetted new best friend into your home. Best of all, by adopting, you will save not just one life, but two: your adoption opens up a space for another dog or puppy to be rescued from possible horrific suffering.
If you can’t adopt a Galgo or Podenco right now, why not consider volunteering or donating to support the work we do? Look further on this Website to find out how. Thank you.
Hope Boehm
President, GGPAC