Providing legacy support to our Greyhounds is essential; but it is also expensive, so we have created the GGPAC Grey’t Trust, where 100% of funds raised will support GPAC Greyhounds in need.  

What better way to honour our Greyhounds and the incredible work done by GPAC to bring over 7,000 dogs to Atlantic Canada between 1994 and 2020 than to donate to a fund to ensure their ongoing care!

Funds raised through the GGPAC Grey’t Trust will be used specifically to support GPAC adopted Greyhounds that need our help, especially during a rehoming situation; when medical care is often critical for these mostly senior dogs.

If you would like to donate to ensure legacy care for GPAC Greyhounds when their families can no longer care for them, you can donate by e-transfer to and note “Grey’t Trust”. Please include your email address if you’d like a charitable donation receipt. Or, if you prefer, you can make a donation to GGPAC through, and please note “for GGPAC Grey’t Trust”.

If you’d like to discuss leaving a donation to the GGPAC Grey’t Trust in your estate plans, please discuss with our President, Hope Boehm who can be reached through this contact form.

All funds donated to the Grey’t Trust will be exclusively earmarked for our GPAC Greyhounds