
Everyone involved with GGPAC is a volunteer; everything we do is done by volunteers; there are no employees or other paid positions.  This website was built by volunteers!

Volunteering can be a fun and rewarding experience!  GGPAC volunteer activities include all aspects of the organization: fostering dogs, driving the pick-up van to and from the flight arrival from Spain in Montreal, planning and participating in fundraising events & activities and much more!


People with Sighthound experience who have the time, space and patience to foster dogs are incredibly valuable to GGPAC.  Rehoming situations or other issues that necessitate fostering occur occasionally, and GGPAC must be ready to support any dog that has been adopted through our organization, including Greyhounds adopted through our former organization, GPAC.  We have an amazing network of people across Atlantic Canada that we can call on when needed.  Expansion of this network can only benefit the dogs.  If you would like to volunteer to foster, please connect with any of our Board Members.

Fundraising Events

Fundraising events, including online auctions and the annual Maritime Doggie EXPO, are vital fundraisers for the continuity of all GGPAC activities but most importantly for bringing dogs from Spain (cost shared by adopters and GGPAC).  We are always seeking new fundraising ideas and looking for people to assist with every aspect of event planning and implementation!

Board of Directors

These are dedicated individuals who have time to devote to GGPAC and the skills to help support the efforts of the organization and ensure support of all GGPAC dogs.  Directors on the Board currently fill the roles of: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Directors are elected during the Annual General Meeting and carry a two-year term. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please contact Hope Boehm, President to discuss.