GGPAC Adoption Process

Making the choice to rescue a Galgo or Podenco is a life changing decision both for you, and for the dog.

Spanish rescue organizations like ACE|SHIN Animal Care España save abandoned, sometimes injured Galgos and Podencos from dangerous situations, including living on the streets and from the kill stations. The dogs are provided with veterinary care, safety and a loving environment where they can heal. Rescued dogs remain in the care of the Rescue until they are ready to be adopted – this can mean weeks or even months. Rescues in Spain often operate at maximum capacity (hundreds of dogs) – so each dog adopted means an available space for another dog to be rescued.

Through GGPAC’s partner rescues in Spain, dogs come to you in Atlantic Canada fully vetted with up-to-date vaccinations, they are spayed or neutered (if the dog is old enough) and tested for Mediterranean diseases. 

The needs of the rescued Galgos and Podencos vary depending on the quality of life experienced in Spain; often a dog’s history is unknown. Rescued dogs may be reserved and cautious with new people and it may take time for them to show their personalities. The Spanish rescues do their best to care for the dogs and they also evaluate the character and personality of each dog in their care so that their new families are as well informed and as well matched as possible. 

If a Galgo or Podenco might be right for your family, let’s discuss so that GGPAC can assist you in choosing a dog to best suit your situation. 

The GGPAC adoption process is designed to ensure the long-term protection of the dogs and the best interests of the prospective adopters.


Prospective adopters fill out an application giving GGPAC their contact information and some information about their family, their experience with dogs, and their home environment. You may request an application form from Secretary, Kristi McBride.

The Home Visit

Prospective adopters are visited in their homes by a GGPAC representative along with, whenever possible, a Galgo or Podenco. The home visit gives us a chance to see how prospective adopters and their families interact with a sighthound.  It also gives prospective adopters a chance to see how a sighthound would fit into their home.  We ask many questions during the home visit to ensure that we match you with the best possible dog for your unique home environment.  GGPAC’s knowledgeable representative will answer any questions that you might have.  We may suggest or recommend things that should be moved or changed to create a safe environment for a rescue dog as they would be unfamiliar with living in a home.


Following GGPAC’s adoption screening, we will work with our partner Spanish rescues on matching your family with your Podenco or Galgo.


Through fundraising, GGPAC covers some of the adoption cost. For more information about GGPAC adoption fees, including the deposit when you reserve your dog, please reach out to our Vice President, Karen Balser.


The rescue in Spain arranges a vet visit to check that the dog is ready to travel and GGPAC sends a flight patron to Spain to bring your pre-adopted dog to Atlantic Canada.

Adoption Contract

Once your dog arrives, the Adoption Contract is finalized and the remaining payment to GGPAC is made.

By adopting a Galgo or Podenco, you join a community of sighthound lovers
who support each other and a network of adopters who enjoy volunteering at GGPAC events and activities!